Our passion is cleaner water
Our Goal:
Prevent 100 Million pounds of Sediment, Contaminates, Plastic
& Garbage from entering our Rivers, Lakes and Oceans by the year 2025.
As of 1/1/2025 Upstream has prevented 46.5 Million Pounds from entering
our natural waterways. (That is 1,662 Dump Truck Loads)
Upstream Technologies delivers products with the lowest contaminate prevention cost per pound.

100 Million Pounds
That's 3,600 Dump Truck Loads!
Stormwater Challenges
The Solution: Capture and retain sediment Upstream of the problem.
Upstream Solutions

Upstream's SAFL Baffle captures and retains sediment when installed inside of sump structures,
requires no maintenance and will last more than 20 years. Sediment is then easily vacuumed out of the
sump structure by city crews.
(See the Golden Valley, MN Case Study where
sediment retention doubled after installing SAFL Baffles to save several lakes)
MnDOT Reports the SAFL Baffle has saved Minnesota Tax Payers more than $8 million dollars in the last 3 years and
expects to save another $26 million over the next 10 years.
MnDOT Report Pages 41-43) (Full Document here)
SAFL Baffle is NJCAT Verified and NJDEP Certified
Facts about Sediment
Excerpts taken from EPA document
- Sediment pollution causes $16 billion in environmental damage annually
- Natural erosion accounts for 30% of the sediment problem in the USA. 70% is caused by human activity
- The EPA lists sediment as the most common pollutant in rivers & lakes
- Chemicals (such as phosphorous, sodium chloride & nitrates) cling to sediment and release into
water for decades
- Organic matter clings to sediment, slowly decaying and activating blue-green algae, relasing toxins that kill
aquatic life and human swimmers to become sick
- Sediment fills small ponds and lakes, increasing the potential for flooding
- Sediment clogs fish gills, reducing resistence to desease, growth rates and affects egg and larvae development
- Sediment plumes (turbidity) reduces sunlight, stunting aquatic life
the SKUNK is mounted over the outlet pipe, inside the sump
structure and traps
floating debris and oil, preventing contaminates from entering our natural waterways.
The SKUNK is easy to assemble and all parts fit through a 24" manhole access for retrofitting
existing structures.
MPD Infiltrometer
Rain gardens are being installed in cities across the country to allow natural infiltration of stormwater,
which purifies the water, removing harmful chemicals and replenishing our watertables.
If rain gardens infiltrate too fast, the water will not purify and contaminated water will enter our watertable.
If they plug with sediment, they will infiltrate too slow and overflow.
Engineers need to measure the exact "Field Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil" before they can calculate
the size and design for a functional rain garden. Without this information, they run the risk of law
suits for contaminating the watertable. Once a rain garden is built, they must be tested twice per year
to ensure their Hydraulic Conductivity is correct.
Upstream Technologies has developed the Automated MPD Infiltrometer
which follows ASTM STANDARD D8152
(U.S. Patents: #10,739,242 B2 and #11,353,391 B2)
These instruments are being sold to municipalities, engineering firms, watershed districts,
counties and pollution control offices to ensure the 100,000 plus, and growing, number of rain
gardens across North America are working safely.
© Copyright 2021 Upstream Technologies
SAFL Baffle: U.S. Patents: #8715507B2, #8663466B2, #9506237B2, CANADA Patent: #2742207
SKUNK Garbage Trap: U.S. Patent #10,408,242
Automated MPD Infiltrometer: U.S. Patent #10,739,242